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Soal Bahasa Inggris 2 Kelas II Semester 1 |
Soal Bahasa Inggris 2 Kelas 2 Semester 1
Activity 1 : Listen and repeat after your teacher !Kegiatan 1 : dengarkan dan tirukan ucapan gurumu !
- Black = hitam
- White = putih
- Red = merah
- Blue = biru
- Green = hijau
- Yellow = kuning
- Grey = abu-abu
- Brown = coklat
- Orange = jingga
- Pink = merah muda
- Purple = ungu
Kegiatan 2 : susunlah huruf-huruf berikut menjadi kata tentang warna !
1. D-E-R =
2. B-A-C-L-K =
3. W-I-E-T-H =
4. P-K-I-N =
5. R-E-E-N-G =
6. W-O-R-N-B =
7. R-G-E-Y =
8. Y-O-L-E-L-W =
9. P-R-U-P-E-L =
Activity 3 : Practice This Dialogue !
Kegiatan 3 : praktekan dialog ini !
Gita : what is this, Genta ?
Genta: this is a picture of rainbow
Gita : it is very beautiful
Genta: that’s right,what colours are there ?
Gita : all colours, red, purple, yellow, green, orange, blue, etc
Genta: I draw it by myself
Gita : ouw, that’s great
Genta : thanks
Activity 4 : Answer these questions!
Kegiatan 4 : jawablah pertanyaan ini !
1. who are in the dialogue ?
answer :
2. What are they talking about ?
answer :
3. What colours are there in the rainbow ?
answer :
4. Who draws the rainbow ?
answer :
5. Can you draw a rainbow ?